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Best Lights to Use for Your Indoor Plants or Greenhouse

Maintaining a greenhouse year-round can be challenging if you don’t have the proper equipment. Having the right lighting is key to making sure your plants thrive indoors. You’ll want to get as close to real sunlight as possible, which means investing in the appropriate tools.

Plants can be as unique as snowflakes and, depending on the kind of fauna you’re growing, the type and amount of light they should receive varies. To be sure of what your greenhouse or indoor plant requires, it’s best to consult an expert in your area.

Plants get a lot of green, yellow, and orange light from sunlight (as they are coming in through the light spectrum), which is why so many have green leaves. And studies show that they respond to wavelengths of light and take in the most chlorophyll when exposed to red and blue lights. Chlorophyll helps a plant absorb light, which is essential for photosynthesis, the process that converts light into energy.

A full- or broad-spectrum light provides all the colors provided by sunlight, but some types of grow lights are better than others dependent on the type of plant.

Light Options for Indoor or Greenhouse Plants 

LED (Light-Emitting Diode) Lights. In particular, LED grow lights can be set so the grower can adjust the wavelengths of light during select periods of the day or night. This ensures that the plant isn’t getting the same wavelength of light, every day, all day. Plus, LED lights produce balanced heating.

LED lights come in red and blue, are easily installed, and use a lot less energy compared to other lights while lasting for three to five years longer.

HID (High-Intensity Discharge) Lights. If you have a large greenhouse, HID lights may be your best bet. These bulbs give off a lot of heat, so they need to be installed at an appropriate distance from the vegetation. HIDs also come in two different types: Metal Halide (great to use during flowering) and High-Pressure Sodium (useful for encouraging growth).

Fluorescent Lights. Florescent lightbulbs are known to produce more blue light, which encourages plant growth. These bulbs give off less heat but are more energy efficient. For example, T-5 fluorescent bulbs can last up to 50,000 hours.

Incandescent Lights. One of the cheapest options around, incandescent lights need to be placed at a significant distance from plants because they produce a lot of heat, which can be damaging. Usually, these bulbs will last around 1,000 hours.

Looking to install lights in your greenhouse, but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you want to add grow lights to your home. Whatever the reason, contact our experts at Mister Sparky to help you set your plants up for success!

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